Mobile App

Painc, Scotland



PainC, pain management - that patients with chronic pain can access to better track their pain and mood states. It provides both pain and mood metrics that can be used by their healthcare providers to better understand pain management. A key part of the app allows patients to capture daily self-reported measures that can include pain (visual analog scale), mood (PANAS), activity (e.g., walking, sleeping), and wellness (e.g., General life, mindfulness) metrics. This information is then seamlessly uploaded to the care team to streamline the care process with an easy-to-use dashboard.


User Experience

It was very challenging for us to break the traditional method of patients meeting doctors in the hospital in the COVID Situation. The case study aimed to identify solutions to this problem. The user selects the exact location of the pain they have in their body, identifies it precisely, and self-diagnoses it on a 3D model that we make. There is a very easy way for patients to do their diagnoses and to communicate that information to doctors in the form of reports, which can be easily followed by both doctors and patients.



PainC app - we have helped more than 800 + patients and all reports are tracked in the latest technology supported with GDPR compliance and ORCHA compliance from the Europe region. With such a large number to track, we've made it as simple as possible for the patient to understand the reports very easily.